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William H. Todd Headshot

William H. Todd

Associate Professor of Marketing; Internship Director


Research Interests

  • Branding
  • Brainstorming Strategies & Problem-Solving
  • Non-Profit Marketing
  • “Hands on” Learning
  • Marketing Related Activities


Mr. Todd, Associate Professor of Business and Lead Professor of the Marketing Major, has been a faculty member of Roberts Wesleyan University since 1984 and teaches in the undergraduate and graduate business programs. He is certified as a Professional Certified Marketer (PCM) by the American Marketing Association. Mr. Todd received his M.S. in Business Administration at Abilene Christian University in 1963.

After completing a tour of duty in Administration, he returned to full-time teaching. During his tour of duty, he served as Director of Development and helped launch the Master of Social Work Degree Program. As part of that program, he developed a comprehensive and innovative Strategic Marketing Plan and established all marketing and recruitment processes, serving as its Director of Marketing, then took on additional responsibilities as Director of Marketing, Office of Adult & Graduate Education Services.

At the request of the Provost, Mr. Todd satisfactorily completed a comprehensive project involving curriculum conceptualization and all necessary matters relating to the preparation of the New York State proposal for a Master’s Degree in Management; he then successfully moved the proposal through the College approval process. In addition, he has completed feasibility studies for several other programs including the recently introduced Masters Program in Psychology and the proposed Masters Program in Nursing. Also, he has published the article "Systems Theory: A Holistic Approach to Management."

Mr. Todd served as Chair of the RWU Business Department from 1988-1992. Mr. Todd has extensive practical business experience with Eastman Kodak Company and Continental Oil Company (CONOCO) among his previous employers. He also serves as the Internship Coordinator for the Undergraduate Business Program, and as an ongoing marketing consultant to RWU programs and to other outside organizations.

BUAD 1010- Intro to Business
MRKT 2010- Principles of Marketing
MRKT 4010- Marketing Research
MRKT 4020- Marketing Management
ACCT/BUAD/MGMT/MRKT/SPMM 3500- Internship Prep
ACCT/BUAD/MGMT/MRKT/SPMM 4500- Internship Experience

M.S. in Business Administration | Abilene Christian University