2022-23 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | General Education Council | Core Curriculum Requirements
Modifications for Professional Programs
Modifications to the General Education Program requirements for students seeking to earn a Bachelor of Science degree from one of the professional programs (Accounting, Adolescence Education, Business Administration, Childhood and Special Education, Criminal Justice, Health Administration, Homeland Security & Applied Intelligence, Early Childhood and Students with Disabilities, Economic Crime Investigation, Management, Marketing, Sports Management & Marketing, Music Education, Music Performance, Nursing, Physical Education, and Social Work) are as follows:
- The student has a choice of ARTS 2010, FNAR 1200, or MUSC 1910/1915 (except that Art Education majors take either MUSC 1910/1915 or FNAR 1200, Music Education majors take either ARTS 2010 or FNAR 1200, Physical Education majors take FNAR 1200, and Homeland Security majors take ARTS 1050 or 2750.).
- Language proficiency as described following. Note the difference between the professional and liberal arts programs.
- All other requirements are the same for liberal arts programs, except where modified by the department offering the major.