Course Descriptions
Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.
The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.
SPMM 1010
Introduction to Sports Management/Marketing [Course] (3)
This course includes a survey of the sports industry, sports business operations, and other sports associated organizations, applying management and marketing concepts to these organizations. The course covers theories and principles of management and marketing for sports programs and sports related organizations, both for-profit and non-profit. Introduces students to career opportunities and responsibilities in sports management and sports-related businesses/non-profit organizations. Includes basic information on topics such as event management, legal liability, fiscal management, facilities operation, personnel supervision, and public relations.
SPMM 2010
Principles of Sports Marketing [Course] (3)
This course is a survey of the role and procedures of strategic marketing in the economy and with the resources of the firm. Emphasis is given to product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies. The marketing of sports or sports-related non-profit organizations will be contrasted to the marketing of for-profit sports or sports-related organizations. The development of a sports or sports-related marketing plan will provide practical application.
Also listed as MRKT 2010.
SPMM 2020
Principles of Sports Management [Course] (3)
This course explores types of managerial functions necessary for roles within the Sports Industry. Topics include general principles of organizational operation, planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and decision-making. Students will explore management practices in the industry via service projects, in class workshops, and presentations. Management of non-profit sports industry organizations (e.g. municipal recreation leagues, charitable foundations) and management of for-profit organizations (e.g. team franchises, retail establishments) will be addressed. Unique to the course will be a module on social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship, exploring how sports is being used to address social issues (e.g. poverty, domestic violence, environmental pollution, health concerns, access to education, human trafficking, etc.).
Also listed as MGMT 2020.
SPMM 2100
Legal Issues in Sports [Course] (3)
This introduction to principles and development of law and legal procedures emphasizes contract law, secured transactions, bankruptcy, and agency law. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or instructor's permission. Also listed as BUAD 2100.
SPMM 2500
Emerging Issues in Sports Management & Marketing [Course] (3)
This course examines a wide variety of important current and historical issues in the sports and sports-related industry/organizations that relate to management and marketing. The course will examine the impact of sports and sports participation on society in general and the impact on sports-related organizations, businesses and non-profits. Review of current issues in youth sports, women in sport, professional sports, religion and sports, sport and politics, the economics of sports, and ethical issues in sports. Prerequisites: SPMM 1010, SPMM 2010, SPMM 2020 or by permission of Instructor
SPMM 3500
Internship Preparation [Course] (1)
This course helps to prepare the student for the internship with an emphasis on résumé writing, interviewing, and networking.
Prerequisites: Junior standing, and admission to the Sports Management and Marketing major.
SPMM 3900
Project & Event Management [Course] (3)
Project and Event Management involves initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing projects and events in the sports industry. Activities include managing a field related event/project to ensure that the project reaches its objectives at the desired scope, cost, and schedule. Students will spend the majority of their time running and evaluating events and projects, including some which will be community service and/or economic development oriented. Exposure to practitioners in the field, through interviews, case study, or shadowing will provide students with exposure to current experts and best practices.
Prerequisites: SPMM 2020 (or junior standing) and admission to major.
Non-Business majors by permission of the instructor. (Offered alternate years)
Also listed as MGMT 3900.
SPMM 4010
Marketing Research [Course] (3)
A study of the role of marketing research in organizations and examination of approaches and methods of research employed by marketing managers to solve sports or sports-related marketing problems, the course emphasizes survey methodology and applications of statistical methods. Prerequisites: SPMM 2010, MATH 2400 and admission to major. Non-Business majors by permission of the instructor. (Offered alternate years)
Also listed as MRKT 4010.
SPMM 4020
Marketing Management [Course] (3)
This course focuses on key market-based management practices that enable a sports or sports-related business to attract and maintain satisfied customers while growing profits and shareholder value. Concepts related to sports or sports-related non-profit organizations will be contrasted to the marketing management of for-profit organizations.
Prerequisites: senior standing, SPMM 2010, SPMM 2020, and admission to major.
Non-Business majors by permission of the instructor.
(NOTE: This course serves as both a Marketing and Management course.) Also listed as MRKT 4020.
SPMM 4500
Internship Experience [Practicum] (2 - 6)
The internship projects integrate the theory of the course offerings into operation and practice. Such intern experiences add insight and focus to the students' career planning and open thinking to a range of placement possibilities. Students are assigned to an organization in the community in the area of interest.
Prerequisites: SPMM 3500 and admission to the Sports Management and Marketing major.
SPMM 4900
Business on Location [Course] (1 - 3)
This course exposes students to sports international business and economic development, providing them an opportunity to experience first-hand another sports culture and business operations in that country. Students will meet during the term to prepare for the cross-cultural context and then travel for 1-3 weeks to another country. Students will have opportunity to speak with sports or sports-related businesspersons and visit businesses – small scale local businesses, NGO programs, and international firms.
SPMM 4950
Independent Study [Course] (1 - 3)
Independent study provides opportunity to pursue advanced or special-interest topics not covered in the curriculum.
1. Junior standing.
2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study.
3. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the discipline.
4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently.
5. Approval of the department in which the study is to be taken.
6. Permission from the student's advisor, the course instructor, the Department Chair, the School Dean, and the Registrar.